Monday 11 February 2019

Diabetes and urological problems

Urological problems that affect men and women with diabetes include bladder problems and urinary tract infections.

Bladder problems
Many events or disorders can damage the nerves that control bladder function, including diabetes and other diseases, injuries and infections. More than half of women and men with diabetes have bladder dysfunction due to damage to the nerves that control the function of the bladder, the best urologist in West Delhi says. Bladder dysfunction can have a shocking effect on a person's quality of life. Bladder problems common in men and women with diabetes include the following:
  • Overactive bladder. Damaged nerves may send signals to the bladder at the wrong time, causing the muscles to contract without warning. Symptoms of overactive bladder include
    • urinary frequency-urinating more than eight times a day or two or more times at night
    • urinary urgency-sudden and strong urge to urinate immediately
    • urinary incontinence-the dribbling of urine that happens after sudden, strong urges to urinate
  • Inadequate control of the sphincter muscles. The sphincter muscles surround the urethra-the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body and keeps it closed to hold urine in the bladder. If the nerves in the sphincter muscles are damaged, the muscles can become loose and allow dripping or remain closed when the person tries to expel urine.
  • Urinary retention. In some people, nerve damage prevents the muscles of the bladder from receiving the signal that it is time to urinate or makes the muscles very weak and can not empty the bladder completely. If the bladder gets too full, urine can accumulate and the increased pressure can damage the kidneys. If the urine stays too long in the body it can develop an infection in the kidneys or bladder. Urinary retention can also produce overflow incontinence, which is the leakage of urine when the bladder is full and does not empty completely, says the best urologist in Janakpuri.
The diagnosis of bladder problems can include both the control of bladder function and the appearance of the inner part of the bladder. Tests may include x-rays, urodynamic tests to evaluate bladder function, and cystoscopy, a test performed by the best urologist in Dwarka that uses a device called a cystoscope to look inside the bladder.
The treatment of bladder problems due to nerve damage depends on the specific problem. If the main problem is the retention of urine, the treatment suggested by the best urologist in Palam may include medications to stimulate a better emptying of the bladder and the practice of a programmed emptying that consists of urinating at a fixed time, which helps to make urination more effective. The best urologist in Uttam Nagar sometimes inserts a thin tube called a catheter periodically through the urethra to drain urine from the bladder. It is also useful to learn to know when the bladder is full and how to massage the lower part of the abdomen to empty the bladder completely. If urinary drip is the main problem, medications, muscle strengthening with Kegel exercises and surgery can help in some cases.
Infections of the urinary tract
When bacteria, usually from the digestive system, reach the urinary tract, infections can occur. If bacteria grow in the urethra, this infection is known as urethritis. The bacteria can go up through the urinary tract and cause a bladder infection called cystitis. An untreated infection can progress further into the body and cause pyelonephritis, an infection of the kidneys explain the best urologist in Hari Nagar. Some people have chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections. Symptoms of urinary tract infections include
  • Intense need to urinate
  • pain or burning in the bladder or urethra during urination
  • turbid or reddish urine
  • in women, pressure on the pubic bone
  • in men, a feeling of fullness in the rectum
If the infection is in the kidneys, a person may have nausea, pain in the back or side and fever. Frequent urination can be a high glucose signal in the blood, so the recent results of blood glucose control should be analyzed.
A urologist in West Delhi will ask for a urine sample to test for bacteria and pus. Additional tests may be performed if the patient has frequent urinary tract infections. An ultrasound provides images of the echo waves that bounce off the internal organs. An intravenous pyelography uses a special dye to enhance the radiographic images of the urinary tract. A cystoscopy can also be performed.
To prevent more serious infections, timely detection and treatment are important. To eradicate a urinary tract infection, it is likely that the urologist in Janakpuri will prescribe an antibiotic treatment based on the type of bacteria in the urine. Kidney infections are more serious and may require antibiotic treatment for several weeks. Drinking large amounts of fluid helps prevent another infection.

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