Tuesday 31 August 2021

Kidney Stones: what they are, what are the symptoms and treatments


The kidney stones are a very common disease of the urinary tract, known by the disabling pain it causes.

Knowing the symptoms and carefully controlling them is important so that an adequate therapeutic strategy can be found.

After all, it is through treatment that you can regain general well-being, affected by the presence of this pathology.

Urologist in Dwarka discusses what are the most effective methods to get rid of kidney stones.

What are Kidney Stones and why do they form?

They are hard formations (hence the term used, “stones”) resulting from the aggregation of minerals and salts present in the urine.

In fact, the correct technical designation is kidney stones. The existence of kidney stones gives rise to a condition known as Renal Lithiasis.

Although they form in the kidneys, the stones can move to another part of the urinary tract, namely the ureters and bladder.

They may have different biochemical compositions, which distinguish them: calcium (such as calcium oxalate, the most common or calcium phosphate, for example), uric acid, struvite and cystine, among others, explains the urologist in Dwarka.

It is not always possible to identify the cause of the problem, but there are some risk factors related to kidney stones that seem to increase the probability of its occurrence, such as:

  • Family history of urinary lithiasis;
  • Insufficient fluid intake;
  • Unhealthy diets (mostly high in salt, sugar and protein);
  • Obesity;
  • Low urinary output;
  • Pathologies in certain glands or kidneys;
  • Certain medications and supplements;
  • Low urinary concentration of protective elements such as citrate or magnesium (which help to inhibit stone formation).

How do they manifest?

When lodged in the kidneys, kidney stones may not cause symptoms.

However, if they move along the urinary tract, the first warning sign appears – a sudden, intense pain, usually near the flank or lumbar region, which may radiate to the abdomen or other areas such as the groin.

Known as renal colic, this pain is extremely disabling and has no relief position. It is one of the most intense pains that human beings can experience, says the urologist in Hari Nagar.

These stones may also be at the origin of other symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Increased voiding frequency, burning when urinating or sudden urge (especially when the stone is close to the bladder);
  • Bloody urine (haematuria);
  • Fever (which is usually an indicator of infection).

Incidence of Renal Lithiasis

It is estimated that this pathology affects between 2 to 3% of the world population, predominantly white men.

The probability of having an episode of renal colic, in patients with stones, up to 45 years of age, is around 9%, explains the urologist in Hari Nagar.

How to Treat Kidney Stones

The basis of correct treatment is making an accurate diagnosis, as kidney stone treatment in Dwarka depends on information such as the location and size of the kidney stone.

Thus, it is necessary to know the clinical history, perform an objective exam and resort to some complementary exams, namely imaging.

This assessment is essential because there are other diseases with similar symptoms, and it is essential to exclude them.

What are the options for kidney stone treatment in Hari Nagar?

In the acute phase of the disease, when pain is intense, if there are signs of infection/obstruction, urgent surgery may be necessary.

The aim is to eliminate stones, and, for this, different strategies can be followed by the urologist in Uttam Nagar.

When the stone is small and the pain is tolerable/controllable, it is possible to expect it to be spontaneously eliminated through the urethra. Various medications can be used, either to control pain or to facilitate the elimination of the stone.

When the dimensions are larger or the stones is closer to the kidneys and does not progress along the ureter, it is necessary to resort to other methods - namely surgical, even if minimally invasive.

One of the options is to carry out Extracorporeal Lithotripsy by Shockwaves (LEOC), which promotes the fragmentation of the stones, which then are naturally eliminated. Although efficient, it has some contraindications, limiting its performance.

Another method, used in most cases, is Endoscopic Surgery, which consists of ureterorenoscopy or retrograde intrarenal surgery. 

Through a semi-rigid or flexible ureteroscope, which is inserted into the urethra and bladder, the ureter is accessed, and the ureteral/kidney stones are fragmented with a laser guided by an optical fiber and removed using surgical instruments.

These procedures are extremely precise and controlled, thanks to the use of video surgery, with a camera included or attached to the ureteroscope, says the urologist in Uttam Nagar.

Endoscope procedures may vary depending on the type of calculation:

  • Inside the kidney: with a flexible ureterorenoscope, through which the laser fiber passes and very small instruments (“baskets” or tweezers, for example), to remove the stones;
  • In the ureter: with a semi-rigid ureteroscope, with the same type of instruments, although larger;
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy: in some cases, namely for very large stones that cannot be removed with the equipment and instruments mentioned above, the kidney is punctured from the skin of the lumbar area to introduce devices that fragment and remove the stones.

What are the results?

Endoscopic Surgery is a very efficient method at Kidney Hospital in Dwarka, with high success rates.

However, it is important to remember that Kidney Lithiasis is a disease with a tendency to relapse.

Thus, it is important to bet on preventing the formation of new stones, by changing some habits such as:

  • Increase fluid intake;
  • Improve eating habits;
  • Monitor urine color (light-colored, almost transparent urine is a sign that it is diluted and less likely to form new stones).

Saturday 24 April 2021

Urinary Retention: how this disease can be a dangerous alert


The urinary retention is a common problem for men and women, and is characterized by the difficulty of completely empty and bladder, explains the best urologist in Janakpuri.

In most cases involving the male sex, retention can be a sign of diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The prostatic hyperplasia is benign prostate enlargement, which start occurs 40 and 90% for men. As the man gets older and the prostate naturally increases in size and can begin to compress the urine channel, thus making it more difficult to empty the bladder. In addition, urinary retention can cause damage to this organ and the kidneys, states the urologist in Uttam Nagar.

The treatment of enlarged prostate can be done with medications, but when it is in an advanced stage, to the point of causing urinary retention, it is necessary to perform surgery, which can be done through the urine channel. It is a little invasive procedure and the patient is discharged the next day, says the urologist in Uttam Nagar.

The robotic prostate surgery is recommended for patients who have prostate cancer, but can be used in cases of enlarged prostate, when the prostatic mass is very large and the urine canal surgery becomes more risky.

But there are still other causes that are worth analyzing carefully, which shows how important it is to seek medical assistance for the evaluation of each case specifically.

What are the characteristics of urinary retention?

The urinary retention, a condition where the bladder does not empty completely, even if it is full and can affect both men and women. But it occurs more often in men, especially as they get older.

Over the age of 70, more than 80% have a picture of an enlarged prostate, which can lead to urinary retention.

The retention is classified into two types: acute and chronic and may still have tables and different causes.

Acute Urinary Retention

In the case of acute retention, the problem appears suddenly and can become fatal, requiring you to see a urologist in Hari Nagar immediately.

The first symptoms are difficulty in urinating and a lot of pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, more specifically, in the bladder region.

If you have any of these symptoms, the ideal is to seek medical emergency. Thus, the accumulation of urine will be released with the help of drugs and other procedures, suggests the urologist in Hari Nagar.

Chronic Urinary Retention

Already chronic urinary retention occurs for a long period of time and you may not even know that you have this condition because it has no symptoms initially.

However, over time, chronic urinary retention can lead to several complications such as:

  • Need to urinate frequently, usually eight or more times a day;
  • Difficulty initiating the flow of urine;
  • Your urine flow is weak or starts and stops;
  • Urine leaks from the bladder throughout the day;
  • Right after you finish urinating, you feel that you need to urinate again;
  • Slight discomfort or a feeling of fullness in the pelvis / lower abdomen.

If you have one or more of these symptoms, know what may be causing the retention and all of the resulting discomfort.

Stay tuned! Urine retention may be a symptom of more serious problems

In men and women, retention can be caused by the presence of urinary tract stones, by severe inflammation of the urethra, by urethral stenosis and even by the presence of a foreign object inserted in the urethra or by a tumor formation in the bladder or urinary tract..

In men, the main causes are related to the prostate, either due to the appearance of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate cancer, whose most recommended treatment today is robotic prostate surgery, says the urologist in Dwarka.

After all, this type of surgery is less invasive and promotes the patient’s recovery more quickly.

It is worth concluding that urinary retention is an easy disease to diagnose. But, if it is not diagnosed and treated correctly, it can bring serious complications to your health.

This is especially true if retention is associated with prostate cancer, one of the types of cancer that kills men the most today.

So, become aware! Seek professional medical help and be sure to have routine tests such as blood tests, ultrasound and rectal examination, which can alert you to your urinary and prostate health, advices the urologist in Delhi.

Friday 5 March 2021

Kidney Stones: Treatments and Recommendations


Kidney stones are hard deposits of salts and minerals that form in the kidneys. The vast majority of these correspond to calcium salts and depending on each patient, their size and shape will vary.

The urologist in Hari Nagar explains, this pathology can produce sudden onset pain that, generally, is of great intensity and begins in the lumbar area on one side, radiates to the lower abdomen and, on occasions, to the lower back. genitals. Also, it can be accompanied by a feeling of nausea, anxiety and sweating, in addition, it can cause darkening of the urine and urinary symptoms, such as pain when urinating and increased frequency of urination.

The risk of not treating kidney stones adequately can be associated with the risk of developing infections of varying severity in a poorly drained urinary tract and can cause kidney function to be reversibly or irreversibly impaired. If the obstruction is temporary or remains long-term, there is even a risk of causing kidney loss, says the urologist in Hari Nagar.

How to relieve kidney stone pain?

There are various types of treatments for kidney stones and these range from medical management to surgical management.

According to the urologist in Uttam Nagar, the main objective of medical treatment is to relieve pain for patients, since, as mentioned above, it can be very intense.

This treatment will vary according to the characteristics of each patient, which will be determined with an imaging study that should be performed as soon as possible. According to urologist in Uttam Nagar, the most effective is Pielotac (non-contrast computed axial tomography) and according to this result, the urologist in charge must decide on the conduct of medical treatment.

Likewise, he adds that it is extremely relevant to consult and not self-medicate, since there is the possibility that the stone that is causing the obstruction of the ureter may stop hurting, which would lead to the patient thinking that the problem is solved and stop consult a specialist, with the risk of being left with a chronic obstruction and deteriorating kidney function.

Regarding home remedies for kidney colic, the specialist assures that they are inefficient, since there are no studies that support practices such as taking pineapple juice, coconut water or other herbs to facilitate its elimination. However, if the stone is small, it is thought that it is likely to be spontaneously expelled. Likewise, abundant fluid intake can help, but this should be indicated once the intense and acute pain has subsided.

The urologist in Dwarka is emphatic when commenting that the prevention of kidney stones is of the utmost importance and the fundamental pillar of this is the abundant intake of fluids (enough to urinate two liters a day), which must be accompanied by certain eating habits and physical activity.

Surgery for kidney stones

The kidney stone treatment in Hari Nagar for removing a stone that is in the ureter will depend a lot on its size. If it is less than five millimeters, it has an 80% chance of being expelled spontaneously, but this percentage decreases dramatically if the stone is greater than seven millimeters, to less than 20%, says the urologist in Dwarka.

So, in the same way, the most indicated surgery for each kidney stone will vary depending on its size.

When it comes to small kidney stones, that is, less than two centimeters, retrograde intrarenal surgery is the most indicated. The calculations of patients who wish to undergo this surgery must also meet other requirements related to its density, location, shape, size and quantity.

The main benefits of this technique are that it is a well-tolerated, minimally invasive surgery, which can be ambulatory or short-term in the clinic.

On the other hand, when kidney stones are larger, generally greater than two centimeters, or when they occupy a large part of the kidney’s excretory pathway (staghorn calculus), or have failed other less invasive methods, renal surgery is recommended for kidney stone treatment in Uttam Nagar.

Thursday 26 December 2019



Urinary infections are a type of disease that occur in both men and women. It is a very annoying infection that needs immediate treatment at the time your symptoms begin to appear since if we let it pass, this infection can have serious consequences. In the case of one of the most common health problems, it is necessary to know its causes, treatment and possible ways to prevent it.

We could say that the main cause of urinary tract infections is due to those bacteria that live in the large intestine. In men, more specifically, the prostate gland produces secretions that retard the growth of these bacteria, although in spite of this they are at risk of infections in the same way.

At the time that the bacteria rise to the kidneys these infections are complicated, since despite being less frequent, it is much more serious than a normal infection such as cystitis, so you need a more severe and controlled treatment.

Some of the symptoms that manifest and which are an alert that we should see urologist in Palam immediately would be the following:
  • Need to urinate constantly and annoying despite not wanting to.
  • Urine with a strong smell or even bleeding.
  • High temperature and chills.
  • Burning sensation when urinating.

Apart from the symptoms, how can I know if it is an infection or not?

Through a good diagnosis we can know what it is. This is based on the medical history and an examination of the patient. Some of the radiological studies that are carried out are the radiography of the abdomen and an ultrasound, in addition to the current analyzes and a urine culture for the correct collection of urine, explains urologist in Uttam Nagar.

What is the most appropriate treatment?

Depending on the severity of the infection, one treatment or another will be applied. If the infection is a common cystitis, the treatment will be antibiotics for two or three days. On the other hand, if the infection is more serious and has reached the kidneys, there will be the possibility of being admitted for a few days to keep a thorough check of the patient and to be able to give him the appropriate medication until the infection disappears from the kidneys and prostate, says urologist in Janakpuri.

Urinary infections do not go away overnight. It is a process that takes a few days and requires an adequate recovery if we want the discomfort to disappear completely. In the case of reappearing after recovery, it will be convenient to perform tests to diagnose the occurrence of diseases that cause this infection.

How does this problem affect children?

These types of infections are very common in children. This may be due to various functional problems. In some cases the infections go unnoticed since children do not know what the symptoms are.

These are usually seen manifested in behaviors such as stop eating, high temperature, or irritability.

It is essential to stop this type of infection as soon as possible, as this can lead to more serious problems that may affect the health of the little ones in the future, explains urologist in Dwarka.

What are the main causes?

Some of the factors that can trigger a urinary infection are:
  • Any alteration of the urinary system, such as a stone.
  • Presence of a catheter or catheter.
  • Occasionally, sexual activity can lead to the introduction of bacteria into the bladder, increasing the risk of having cystitis.
  • Alterations in the bladder.
  • Reflux vesicoureteral.
  • Genetic factors. Also diabetes, for example, or the elderly and with lower defenses.

How can I prevent this type of urinary infections?

There are some very simple actions to perform, but we must take into account because if we do them in the right way we can save many health problems. Some of them are:
  • Do not delay the time to go to the bathroom.
  • It is important to completely empty the bladder.
  • Drinking a lot of water throughout the day cleanses our body.
  • Go to the bathroom after performing the sexual act.
If you have any doubts or symptoms, it is best to see the urologist in Hari Nagar who is aware of proper treatment.

If you do not see any type of infection through a urine test, go to your urologist in West Delhi to perform other diagnoses and the corresponding tests.

Monday 18 February 2019

Kidney Stone: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

The stones in the kidneys, also called kidney stones, is a mass similar to stones that can be formed anywhere in the urinary system. Generally, the stones in the kidneys are eliminated through the urine, without causing symptoms, but in some cases, it can get stuck causing intense pain and blood in the urine.

The treatment is done with the ingestion of abundant liquids and medications, and in the most serious cases, it may be necessary to perform surgery to remove the stuck stone.

The symptoms of kidney stones arise suddenly when the stone is very large and gets stuck in the kidney, or gets stuck when it starts to go down through the ureters to the bladder or when it causes an infection such as pyelonephritis, says urologist in Dwarka

A kidney crisis can vary over time, mainly in the location and intensity of pain, but small stones do not usually cause problems and are often only discovered during urine tests, ultrasound or radiography.

The place and the intensity of the pain can vary according to the transit of the stone inside the organism, being of greater intensity when it crosses the ureter until the bladder, to be eliminated altogether with the urine, says urologist in Janakpuri.

In case the pain is very intense, do not calm down and there is fever, vomiting, blood in the urine or difficulty urinating, you should go to the doctor or to the kidney hospital in Uttam Nagar so that exams are carried out and the kidney stone treatment in Uttam Nagar is initiated as soon as possible.

Causes of kidney stones
The causes of kidney stones, also known as kidney stones, can be related to little fluid intake, diet, genetic factors and some diseases. Some of the causes are:
  • Renal Calcium Calculus : of hereditary origin and should be treated with a diet with low sodium content and protein, recommending the intake of diuretics. The treatment can be done through the reduction of the consumption of foods rich in oxalates and fats, the intake of a calcium supplement to facilitate the fixation of oxalate in the intestine says urologist in Uttam Nagar.
  • Renal calculation of uric acid : it can be caused by a high consumption of foods rich in proteins that generate the increase of uric acid in the bloodstream. In this case the treatment can be done with the ingestion of Allopurinol and with a diet with low purine content.
  • Renal calculation of cystine : of hereditary origin, can be treated with a high intake of fluids, alkalis and D-penicillamine, when necessary.
  • Renal struvite calculation : can be caused due to the complication of an infection in the urinary system. Kidney stone treatment in Hari Nagar can be done through the ingestion of antibiotics and surgery to remove the stones, because they tend to be large. 
When performing the tests that diagnose the kidney stone, the urologist in Hari Nagar can identify what type of calculation the individual has, making an analysis of its composition, indicating the best treatment. For all types of kidney stones, the main recommended kidney stone treatment in Palam is the intake of approximately 3 liters of water per day and a lot of rest, since hospitalization is not always necessary, since the stones can be naturally expelled by the body.

In addition to this, stones in the kidneys can also be caused by rare diseases such as primary or secondary hyperoxaluria, for example. These diseases promote an accumulation of oxalate in the body due to deficiencies in some enzymes that digest this compound, thus ending overloading the kidneys, which leads to the emergence of these stones, says urologist in Palam.

Treatment for kidney stones
Treatment during a kidney stone crisis should be indicated by a urologist in West Delhi and usually begins in the kidney hospital in Hari Nagar through the use of intravenous analgesic medications such as Tramadol and antispasmodic medications such as Scopolamine. After a few hours, in which the pain picture improves, the patient receives medical discharge.

At home the treatment is maintained with oral analgesics such as Paracetamol, rest and hydration with around 2 L of water per day, to facilitate the exit of the stones.There is also a home remedy that is widely used to treat stones and is chancapiedra tea, has diuretic and analgesic properties that facilitate the exit of them. 

In the most serious cases, in which the stone is too large to go out alone, it may be necessary to perform surgery or laser treatment to facilitate its exit. During pregnancy, the treatment is done only with analgesics and medical support. 

Friday 15 February 2019

What can I do to keep the kidneys healthy?

Very few people know the importance of the kidneys and what they mean for our body. It is necessary to learn to protect them, since these organs are in charge of filtering the blood and eliminating the waste generated by our body. Not taking proper care of them can have consequences such as chronic kidney disease.
healthy kidney
"In India, millions of people suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD), with a much greater impact on men than on women. In addition, the prevalence of CKD has grown in our country by 20 percent in the last decade and each year about 6,000 people with kidney failure progress in the deterioration caused by their disease to need haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplant, "says best urologist in dwarka.

The increase in the incidence of CKD is especially related to the aging of the population, but also to unhealthy life habits and risk factors such as obesity.  Urologist in palam has commented "that people with obesity have an 83 percent higher risk of suffering chronic kidney disease compared with those who have a healthy weight."

Recommendations for day to day

To try to avoid any kidney disease, it is necessary to have a healthy diet and exercise daily, as well as to control hypertension and diabetes in those who have these diseases. With this we would be taking an important step to improve the health of the kidneys and our quality of life, says urologist in uttam nagar.

Urologist in janakpuri explains that sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet damage the kidneys, so it is important to spend one hour of daily physical activity, as well as follow a series of favourable eating habits.

Among the guidelines that are given to improve the quality of life of the kidneys, the urologist in hari nagar recommends:
  • Drink enough water (4 to 6 glasses a day).
  • Moderate the consumption of alcoholic and soft drinks.
  • Eat several servings of fruit and vegetables daily.
  • Do not abuse salt in the diet.
  • Avoid processed foods as much as possible.
  • Consume olive oil.
  • Take proteins alternating fish, eggs and legumes.
  • Be cautious with the use of certain medications that can damage kidney function, such as anti-inflammatories.
  • Avoid tobacco
  • Do not take dietary supplements and diuretic medicinal plants without being prescribed by a professional.
On the other hand, urologist in dwarka insists that obesity can cause this disease in several ways. On the one hand, it can contribute indirectly, inducing or worsening diabetes and hypertension. On the other hand, it could also cause kidney damage directly, placing an unduly high burden on the kidneys and also causing harmful metabolic changes such as inflammation and oxidation. Also, obesity has also been recognized as a risk factor for kidney stones, as well as for several types of cancer such as kidney.

"The main problem of CKD is that in most cases it does not present symptoms until its most advanced stages, and therefore, makes its detection and diagnosis very complicated. Therefore, it is very important to perform regular analytical tests to detect this disease early, especially in people at risk, such as the obese, hypertensive or diabetic, " urologist in west delhi concludes.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Symptoms that may indicate that the prostate is inflamed

Prostatitis is characterized by an inflammation of the prostate that causes an increase in its size, which can cause symptoms such as pain, burning during urination, fever, among others, says urologist in West Delhi.

Generally, prostatitis is caused by a bacterial infection and, in general, the treatment consists in the administration of antibiotics, analgesics and anti-inflammatories indicated by the urologist.

What are the symptoms of prostatitis

The most common symptoms that may indicate the presence of a prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate, are mainly the decrease in the strength of the urine stream and painful urination.

In addition to the symptoms indicated, prostatitis can also cause fever and chills, especially if the prostatitis is caused by an infection. However, the only way to confirm the diagnosis is to consult a urologist in Janakpuri to indicate laboratory tests such as a blood test, urine or even an ultrasound.

When urinary frequency increases, there may be blood in the urine, which is common cause impotence due to constant pain. However, these symptoms can also be related to a urinary infection in man.

Most common causes of prostatitis

Although there are different causes that can result in inflammation of the prostate, most prostatitis is caused by an infection, especially bacteria. For this reason, it is relatively common for prostatitis to be treated with the use of antibiotics, which must be prescribed by the urologist in Palam.
In some cases, prostatitis can be caused by surgeries or injuries in the region and in some situations, it is not possible to determine what the cause is.

Classification of prostatitis

Prostatitis is classified as:
  • Type I - Acute bacterial prostatitis;
  • Type II - Chronic bacterial prostatitis;
  • Type III A - Pelvic pain syndrome, also known as chronic inflammatory prostatitis;
  • Type III B - Chronic non-inflammatory prostatitis, pelvic pain syndrome or prostatodynia;
  • Type IV - Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis.
In general, acute and chronic prostatitis present the same symptoms, only the acute one becomes chronic when the symptoms last for more than 3 months.

How the diagnosis of prostatitis is made

The diagnosis of prostatitis is made considering the symptoms referred by the patient and, which are usually related to difficulty urinating.

Also, the urologist in Dwarka can indicate the collection of urine, prostatic fluid and recommend the performance of tests such as flowmetry, digital rectal examination, PSA blood test or even biopsy to confirm the cause of the prostate enlargement.

Treatment for prostatitis

The treatment of prostatitis is indicated by the urologist in Uttam Nagar, who in most cases, identifies an infection and prescribes the use of antibiotics in tablets or, in more severe cases, medications that are applied directly intravenously at the kidney hospital in Uttam Nagar.

In addition, the doctor may also prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatories to relieve symptoms or alpha blockers such as tamsulosin, which helps relax the neck of the bladder and muscle fibres where the prostate attaches to the bladder.

In chronic bacterial prostatitis, treatment with antibiotics lasts for approximately 3 months. However, when antibiotics do not help reduce inflammation, surgery may be necessary to remove the prostatic abscess that is causing the symptoms, says urologist in Hari Nagar.